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Last Will & Testaments

Life in this modern age is fast paced, like a race against time, and it is imperative to have a last will and testament to ensure peace of mind about how your estate will be handled when the time comes.

This legal document, which may be the most important document one could have, will allow you to decide what happens to your estate instead of a local court or state laws. Not having a will can make it more difficult for your loved ones after you pass. Many Americans think they are too young or do not own enough assets to need a will, but no matter the circumstances, having a Last Will & Testament should be a top priority. This is the best way to help protect your family and your legacy.

10 important reasons to have a will

  1. Save time, money, and stress for your loved ones

  2. Determine who will manage your estate and set up a family trust as well as give gifts & donations

  3. Decide who gets your assets & property- and who does not

  4. Choose who will take care of minor children

  5. Provide a home for your pets

  6. Leave Instructions for your digital assets

  7. Lower potential for family disputes

  8. Support your favorite causes and leave a legacy

  9. Provide funeral instructions

  10. Peace of mind

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